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  • SpikedRocker

    by Published on 9 May 2015 10:55pm


    With the opening of the casual server it has been asked can SG have a scrim tournament? Well we are starting to entertain that idea.

    We want to start gathering data on people interested in participating. The thing we want to know the most obviously is who wants to participate, but we would like to know your competitive ranking. Take a screenshot of your CS:GO ranking in replying to this thread. We will use this information to devise a fair way to develop the teams.

    We are currently hoping for 4-6 teams of 5 people each. If we get enough people we can do alternates. As far as format, we are wanting to do a round robin to seed for an elimination tournament to determine a winner. We are also looking to do prizes, any donations to a prize bin would be awesome. Overall we are hoping to have teams settled and start playing at the end of the month. We are looking at it lasting around 2 months total time.

    @BlackEagle and myself are organizing this adventure so ask us for any questions. More information will come in the next few weeks.


    Alucard - LEM
    Aznsoul - MGE
    Banana Joe* - MG1/2
    Bethy - MG2
    BlackEagle - MG2
    BlackRain - Gold Nova Master
    BlackWhite* - Nova 2
    BoA - Gold Nova Master
    Console* - Unranked
    Crzycanadian - DMG
    DoubleSb - LEM
    El Nino* - DMG
    Extreme Potatoes!!!!!!!!!! - MG1
    Fishey - DMG
    Fonzi - Nova 2
    Game Freak* - LEM
    Griffin - Global Elite
    heartless - DMG
    Mandeemoo* - Unranked
    Neptune - MGE
    Noobster* - Supreme
    Pan32 - LEM
    phantom153 - MG1
    Phonicz - Gold Nova Master
    PingPong - LE
    SHP - DMG
    Vorter - Gold Nova Master
    wawa* - MGE / DMG
    Whimsy - DMG
    Zorg - Nova 3

    Total - 30
    * - No rank/screenshot/unranked
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