View Full Version : TTT Player Models = broken

30 Apr 2010, 01:35pm
Before anyone starts sending in server fixes for the TTT server, it is currently bugged because of the new GMod update that came out today.

I won't be able to fix the server until Monday night or Tuesday morning, whichever time I'm awake. The server will be up but it won't be playable so just dick around in other servers until I get back to fixing it up.

30 Apr 2010, 03:54pm
ULX is down aswell.

1 May 2010, 10:47am
Models fixed as of 5/1

Dunno if it's your doing Mnote :P

1 May 2010, 12:08pm
Jager got it last night.

1 May 2010, 12:16pm
Jager got it last night.

Sweet, mad props to him!


1 May 2010, 12:38pm
The garry's mod update got reverted, everything got back to normal