View Full Version : Garry's Mod- TTT Update Thread

25 Feb 2010, 07:59pm
In this thread i will post the latest updates to TTT, so they can be made accordingly. The server is not ready yet as i have been informed. But once it is i will post the updates so they can be put on the server as soon as possible.

The latest Version is:


- DNA Sampler now displays more information on HUD about the crosshair target, including an ID number. This ID is also shown in the tooltips of collected item samples. You can use this to determine whether a certain sample is from a certain gun.

- DNA Sampler can now retrieve dead player's DNA from their corpse.

- Improved DNA Sampler's message about number of samples collected from a weapon. It only displayed the number of new samples it found, but did not tell you that, which was confusing. Now it states the number of new samples collected more clearly, and also notes the number of samples it ignored because you already have them (so you know if someone used the weapon since last time you checked).

- Fixed DNA Sampler's matches of item samples to players going out of sync after removing an item.

- Fixed DNA Sampler showing a green crosshair over items that can not have DNA samples on them, like ammo boxes. It will now be red as it should.

- Added ttt_logic_role entity for mappers. Can be used to test the role (detective/innocent/traitor) of the !activator. It's in the FGD, so see documentation of the fields in Hammer for info on how to use it. The included ttt_traitorchecker.vmf example map also includes an example of it.

Link to Post (http://www.zombiemaster.org/smf/index.php?topic=9303.40)

25 Feb 2010, 08:38pm
it'd be great if you could put some shit on how to play the game itself, we were playing it 1-3 nights ago and none of us knew really what to do other than kill eachother.

This (http://ttt.badking.net/) has all the info u need.

27 Feb 2010, 03:13pm

- Made cursor hide itself when player closes the tips window, if he had unhidden the cursor to do so.

Trouble in Terrorist Town v270210

Changes in directories:

Those with a trained eye will notice this is a very small update. I just wanted to have that final tweak in the version I will submit to the Fretta contest tomorrow. Probably the last update for a while until I decide whether I will be releasing any more at all.

Link to Post (http://www.zombiemaster.org/smf/index.php?topic=9303.40)

28 Feb 2010, 01:58pm

- Fixed dead Detectives searching bodies showing the results on the scoreboard of all living players, which of course should only work for living Detectives.

Trouble in Terrorist Town v280210

Changes in directories:

Link to Post (http://www.zombiemaster.org/smf/index.php?topic=9303.40)

24 Apr 2010, 06:54pm


- Health Station and Beacon can now only be bought once per round.

- Health Station rebalanced: can no longer be carried, and slowly recharges its healing points.

- After dropping a gun or throwing a grenade, you will now always switch to the Holstered weapon as opposed to your previous gun (which could be a traitor weapon).

- The "Search for unspent credits" hint now only appears for Traitors/Detectives when they are near a corpse.


- Fixed certain entities appearing to teleport when pushed.

- Fixed scoreboard breaking when ttt_sherlock_mode was 0.

- Fixed Lua error when non-player killed a player. Had no gameplay effects.

- Fixed "Search for unspent credits" hint showing for spectators.

- Fixed DNA Sampler not behaving properly when used by a non-detective player. Also made minor tweaks to prevent Lua errors when dealing with bad data.

- Quadrupled knife damage to make sure it is always sufficient to kill (regardless of Karma settings or other damage modifications).

- Fixed the player vote indicators of the Fretta end-of-round vote not appearing after the first round.

- Weapons can only be picked up using the Magneto Stick from short range, because at longer ranges it could be used to induce unfixable physics crashes. Weapon carrying can be disabled entirely using ttt_weapon_carrying (def. 1), and the range can be configured using ttt_weapon_carrying_range (def. 50).


- Added informative warning in server console when CS:S does not appear to be mounted.

- Added ttt_no_nade_throw_during_prep (def. 0). If set to 1, disables grenade throwing during the preparation phase.

- Added fire graphics fallback for people who cannot see fire due to their old videocard. Must be enabled manually in the client settings tab of the F1 menu.

- Added entry in the round report and serverlog when someone picks up credits from a corpse.


- Special equipment is now much more modular, making it easier to create and share. All relevant values can be set in the SWEP script, making installation of extra equipment simply a case of putting the .lua file(s) in the right place. See /entities/weapons/weapon_tttbase/shared.lua for documentation on the stuff you should specify in your custom bomb belts and explosive puppy SWEPs.

- Released under open source license. This means you are now legally allowed to distribute modified versions of the gamemode as long as you include the /gamemodes/terrortown/LICENSE.txt file.

Trouble in Terrorist Town v240410

Changes in directories:

There are quite a few changes, so there might be a couple more releases in the future. These will focus on bugfixing and (if necessary) balance, without large changes.

Link (http://www.zombiemaster.org/smf/index.php?topic=9303.40) to post

2 May 2010, 05:12pm

- Disabled automatic mapswitching when in Fretta mode (ie. fretta_voting = 1), as they often won't have a mapcycle.txt. These servers can still enable mapswitching by enabling ttt_always_use_mapcycle (default 0). On servers with fretta_voting disabled TTT will always use the mapcycle, so nothing changes for those. Readme has been updated with this stuff.

- Prepared weapons for small SWEP changes in upcoming gmod update.


- Fixed weapons with classnames that did not start with weapon_zm or weapon_ttt getting removed immediately if a player got one.

- Fixed weapons needing a unique WeaponID number to show up in body searches and such. If you have set a WeaponID in one of your SWEPs to work around this issue, you should remove it now.

- Made it possible to use a model-based icon (think standard gmod spawn buttons) for the equipment menu. See weapon_tttbase for documentation. Not really tested this, you should make an icon instead using the below.

- Added template .psd file in the /terrortown/template/ directory. Use to create your own icons in the same style as the standard TTT ones. You'll have to figure out how to export to VTF with the right settings yourself (it's not hard, use the included VTFs as example). I might make a tutorial sometime.

- Added documentation in weapon_tttbase about configuring things so that ttt_random_weapon will include the SWEP in its list of randomly created weapons. An easy way of getting a normal (non-traitor/detective) weapon into the game on many maps.

Trouble in Terrorist Town v280410

Changes in directories:

link (http://www.zombiemaster.org/smf/index.php?topic=9303.msg373352#msg373352) to post

5 May 2010, 03:38pm

- Now forcing mp_friendlyfire to 1 so that lag compensation works properly. GMod's default value was changed to 0, causing a lack of lagcomp when shooting other terrorists (who are technically on the same team, hence friendly fire).

- Fixed weapons not explicitly deriving from GMod's weapon_base.

Trouble in Terrorist Town v050510

Changes in directories:

Known issues:
Reload animations won't work properly. This is a bug in gmod that will be fixed in an upcoming update, hopefully soon.
link (http://www.zombiemaster.org/smf/index.php?topic=9303.40) to post