View Full Version : Does any1 has a kewl CSS skin for me?

16 Jul 2009, 05:01pm
Just wanted 2 know if there are people who have an awsone CSS Skin. Im getting bored of the same guns sow

if some1 has any please reply here!


16 Jul 2009, 05:16pm
Just go to fpsbanana.com and look for them there

The Baltimore Ravens
17 Jul 2009, 05:54pm
http://www.fpsbanana.com/skins/49404 they are pretty sick, atleast i like them.

17 Jul 2009, 06:42pm
Like everyone else said, go to www.fpsbanana.com
I'll try to post up some ones that I think are cool when I get time but if your a Call of Duty 4 fan they have a gun skin that makes the AWP the .50 Cal.

17 Jul 2009, 08:22pm
NO one here "has" skins for you :P

But go to fpsbanana