View Full Version : [Added] deathrun_office & deathrun_temple request

28 Jun 2009, 07:41am
Map Suggestion

Full map name
deathrun_office & deathrun_temple Type of map
Deathrun Link to map download
http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/60702 & http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/59303 Additional Information
Both maps had too few spawns. (Office has 17 ct spawns, and Temple has 16 ct spawns.)

In office, people are forced to be t. So in the end, you'll have 18 t's, and 17 ct's. (Unless an admin comes to save the day, and moves the t's over.)

Then, in Temple,you have 16 spawns, and 2 t spawns. This leads to people being forced to spectate.

(Also, the hillarious part, on deathrun_office, there are more t spawns then ct. Yes, there are 18 t spawns, and 17 ct spawns.)

Fix? :/ Screenshots attached

29 Jun 2009, 12:35am
I'll work on this later tonight, although theres supposed to be at least 3 t on each map right?

29 Jun 2009, 01:03am
All maps should be editted for only two terrorist spawns.

29 Jun 2009, 09:30am
Fixed, on temple there were loads of ct spawns though :|?

29 Jun 2009, 10:01am
While we were playing it, there were only 16 spawns, then it would say ct team is full. T had 2 spawns, then said full. Everyone else was forced to spectate.

Thanks for office, though. :]

1 Jul 2009, 07:55am
Sorry about the double post, but it needs bumping to grab attention.

Now that deathrun_office & temple have more spawns, the server tells us that our version differs from the server. (It does on office, so I'm going to assume it will on temple.)

Suggestion: Change the map name, so it allows us to redownload. Deathrun_office_spawns? Etc.

1 Jul 2009, 08:03am
With the program i use edits the file without download, i have no idea but i checked those maps. They are fine, the mp_limitteams was on 28 but i set it to 0.

Kind of confused here

1 Jul 2009, 08:05am
If you look at the server, it has 0/30 people. It's not that people can't spawn, it's that people can't join. We all get the error: "Your version of: maps/deathrun_office.bsp differs from the server."

Me & a friend have tried deleting our map so it redownloads, and have also restarted CSS, to no luck. So, atm, nobody can join.

Perhaps a map switch would be a good move, then figure out what's wrong with the map.

*Raven restarted the server, so the servers fine until we switch back to Office.*