View Full Version : Offensive Spray ?

27 Jun 2009, 10:03pm
Is it against the rules to spray a swastika on the wall ingame? And if it is, should i demo the player doing it and post it in the player complaints section?

27 Jun 2009, 10:09pm
I sense a flame war coming...

27 Jun 2009, 10:13pm
Swastika itself can be interpreted as more than one meaning. But, since it's most commonly recognized as the symbol for Nazi's which believe in a superior religion/race, I'd say it's offensive. As well as most Jewish people would not see it as a friendly spray, considering the symbol was once an icon of fear among them.

27 Jun 2009, 10:16pm
i remember i got banned once for a swatsika spray i didnt even spray, boy that was back when this community first started ;D but yea i believe that they can be offensive to some people

27 Jun 2009, 10:21pm
okay, thanks for clarifying that for me.

28 Jun 2009, 03:02am
Its at a admin discretion. If you think its offensive take a screen or demo and post on forums and admins will decide, or you can just call a admin to check it out

28 Jun 2009, 04:34am
Well it can ofend alot of people

28 Jun 2009, 02:26pm
Its at a admin discretion. If you think its offensive take a screen or demo and post on forums and admins will decide, or you can just call a admin to check it out

This is true, but most likely than not, a racist or absolutely disgusting spray will be asked to remove by any admin since it also violates other server rules.

28 Jun 2009, 04:11pm
If it's a horizontal swastika with eastern writing on it it's a buddhist sunwheel, all nazi swastikas will ALWAYS be rotated 45 deg so they form a diamond rather than a square and they also always open the other direction. On top of that any swastika with dots inside the arms, especially if the arms go curvy, is virtually guaranteed to be the eastern sun wheel rather than the nazi emblem.

The nazis are a dead cult, jainism and many other LIVING religions still revere their centuries old holy symbol.

29 Jun 2009, 09:04am


29 Jun 2009, 04:48pm
Capslock may be cruise control for cool but you still need to steer.

29 Jun 2009, 08:14pm



Capslock may be cruise control for cool but you still need to steer.

Disagreed, but only because of BILLY MAYS.

*Queen VenomousFate*
29 Jun 2009, 08:41pm
If it's a horizontal swastika with eastern writing on it it's a buddhist sunwheel, all nazi swastikas will ALWAYS be rotated 45 deg so they form a diamond rather than a square and they also always open the other direction. On top of that any swastika with dots inside the arms, especially if the arms go curvy, is virtually guaranteed to be the eastern sun wheel rather than the nazi emblem.

The nazis are a dead cult, jainism and many other LIVING religions still revere their centuries old holy symbol.

All Swatstika's will be banned. I dont care if the swastika had eastern writing on it, and opened opposite direction from that of a Nzi Swatstika.

Here is the reasoning - 99% of people in this world recognize the Swatstika in their daily lives as a symbol of the Holocaust and Nazism. But of course there is that 1 percent who actually use the swatstika as buddhist symbol.

That being said, every day,hundreds of millions of people all around the world are learning to speak English. Out of those many millions, I am sure that a few of them will have friends who will trick them into thinking that the word "N*gger" has the same meaning as the word "guy". So then lets say after learning English, one of these guys joins our server and says "Whats up N*ggers!". What this guy thought he was saying is "Whats up guys", but due to some bad luck he accidently said something that is not up to English conventions.

Under the logic you used to say why we shouldn't ban some swatstikas, we also shouldn't ban people for using the N-word because their is a microscopic chance that that person either doesnt know what the N-word means, or the word has a different meaning to them, and used it not meaning to offend anyone.

Right now you should be saying "But that is ridiculous, that will never happen" WHICH IS THE POINT. IT COULD THEORETICALLY HAPPEN, BUT IT WONT. It is the same thing with the Swatstikas. There is a small chance that a Buddhist in Tibet could buy a computer, learn to speak english and join one of our servers, and also have a buddhist swatstika as their spray. BUT AS WITH BEFORE, THE CHANCE OF THIS HAPPENING IS VERY SMALL. FOR EVERY 10,000 people we ban for a swatstika, we may acidently ban one person who used it with good intentions.


29 Jun 2009, 11:55pm
Sprays are at the admin's control. Some admins allow some that others do not. You must pay attention to this because offensive sprays are a banable offense.

For example, porn sprays are all fine for me. (To an extent.) However racist sprays and swastikas are very controversial and they are banned if I am playing with you.

30 Jun 2009, 03:19pm
First off it's everywhere from the hindu religions, greek and roman armor and clothing, the jewish kabbalah, native americans, the nosecone of the Spirit of St. Louis, and more modernly the presidential standard of Finland and half the finnish military's flags, Amiens cathedral, Rudyard Kipling's books, and the flag of Hirosaki Japan.

My point is twofold: One you can't even recognize a non-nazi swastika half the time you see them while going about your life (and trust me you see a LOT more than you think) because they really do look different than what you'd expect and are one of the oldest and most common religious symbols used around the globe even by us jews and two the nazi swastika is very specific, they were... well... nazis about how it had to be EXACTLY to their specifications or it just wasn't their swastika. Why do you think even DURING world war two so many other people still used swastika roundels on planes and on their flags?

My point isn't to try and pick a fight with you, so you don't need to shout, it's that if someone shows up and sprays a picture of some eastern looking building that has a wierdass squiggly on it he shouldn't get banned. Likewise for this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Presidential_Standard_of_Finland.svg) finnish flag. Just add a little intelligent thought to the mix, if someone comes in complaining "Zomg swastika spray" and you look and see a vacation photo taken in some temple and the swastika's one of those balls up wierd things like the celtic, bali, or lapland ones a little compassion before a ban might be in order.

I've never been a fan of the "zero tolerance" approach, even for N-bombs. A racist will always give you second chances but the random drunk fratboy if you spend 3 seconds saying "not cool here dude" will usually fall over himself saying he wont do it again. The ones that argue or whatever... go ahead.

*Queen VenomousFate*
30 Jun 2009, 05:53pm
I await the day when one of the many many may people we have banned for swatstika sprays returns to our forums and appeals a ban on swatstikas.

The VAST majority of our players come from either the United States, Canada or the United Kingdom... I would say upwards of 98% of our players come from one of these 3 countries. All of these countries fought against the Nazis in WWII and in each of these three nations the Swatstika is universally recognized as a symbol of the Nazis.

The chance that someone from a non-English speeking country would join our server, in conjunction with having a good intentioned swatstika as their spray, is infintessimally small compared to the chance that an English speaking douchbag would come onto our servers and attempt to harrass people with a swatstika spray.

The rule stands... An admin is free to deem ANY spray they find offensive as banable. It is on the admins own good judgement to determine what is banable, and i will not overule an admins call on a spray.

Also Charles Lindburg, AKA the man who flew the Spirit of St. Louis was a Nazi sympathizer...

30 Jun 2009, 07:06pm
Actually he, like most of the country, was an isolationist. He was not a nazi sympathiser and said "No person with a sense of the dignity of mankind can condone the persecution of the Jewish race in Germany."

Again did I say i'm arguing at all? No, i'm just saying that human thought needs to be applied. I also find this entire discussion hilariously schizophrenic.

30 Jun 2009, 07:30pm
I wouldn't personally ban for a Swastika because I don't think that it is racist on its own.

Not everyone has the same interpretation ofcourse if you think of the Swatika you generally get the idea of Nazi's, hatred for Jewish people, Hitler............but if even the Nazi's use of the Swastika has nothing to do with Jews or the holocaust, the Swastika was a mere symbol which had they describe here

"As National Socialists, we see our program in our flag. In red, we see the social idea of the movement; in white, the nationalistic idea; in the swastika, the mission of the struggle for the victory of the Aryan man, and, by the same token, the victory of the idea of creative work."

Now to me this is an opinated view which in a basic form is fine. It's like American's wanting victory for American's, putting aside the obvious difference between America and the Nazi's this isn't evident in the description of the Swastika.

Any indication towards Jewish or non "Aryan" hatred would be a ban for me but on its own.......no.

30 Jun 2009, 07:40pm
The only time I will ask somebody to stop spraying it is when another player in the server takes offense. I don't find too many sprays offensive, but I will ask them to stop if somebody gets offended.

3 Jul 2009, 06:48pm
An admin may deem any spray unfit for spraying for any reason at any time. We're all cool with that, we including me. That's why I'm here with a funny conversation I just had with Neo right now.

What isn't cool is pretending that personal preference isn't the reason a spray's been banned and telling someone they should know it's against a nonexistant rule. Like Ganzt said later though, deal w/ it on the forums.

Honestly? I just think Neo's reaction is hilarious: "SHE'S SHOWING HER VAGINA!"

Anyone else think about waterboy? "SHE SHOWED ME HER BOOBIES AND I LIKE DEM TOO!"