View Full Version : police chief

14 Apr 2009, 02:30pm
prison break suggestion

police chief- police chief will be randomly chosen every round, once the police chief dies, a new one is randomly chosen. (like VIP in any other gamemode, except the round wont end.)

There's usually a lot of arguing on where to send T's, and since theres only one in command, there wont be any aguments. if you get a stupid ct that lets them do whatever, he'll die soon anyways, you'll have a new one.

since he will command other ct's, there will most likely be less camping.

14 Apr 2009, 02:31pm
This has already been discussed.

14 Apr 2009, 02:36pm
This has already been discussed.

May I have a link to the thread, so I can change around what people thought were stupid enough to deny it?

14 Apr 2009, 02:37pm
Its called Prison Break re-evaluation [VENT get it]

14 Apr 2009, 03:56pm
Think we had once a mod that was designed to have one "chief of command" or some similar and his word was the law:
- You were able to choose from menu what to do and other CT's were supose to enforce the option chosen.

And yea, the mod was taken down due to failure in popularity. People ignored it and did what the hell they pleased.

14 Apr 2009, 03:56pm
We thought about this, but then agreed that it probably wouldn't work.

It's a nice suggestion though, and I'm glad to see someone thinks the way we do. :blink1:


21 Apr 2009, 11:12pm
I doubt that idea could work. It also wouldn't prevent the CT's from camping.