View Full Version : [Rejected] Jaws in minigames.

11 Jan 2009, 11:14am
The problem with this map is it doesn't have enough spawns to provide for all 20 players, but that usually doesn't matter because the map empties the server out. Another problem with this is that even though the terrorists are still "fish" they can drown underwater? You always have those terrorists who are so obsessed with their rank (which I think should be removed from mini-game servers) that they just camp in a corner and don't move. Aside from the hundreds of grenades, CT's also get nice little guns to help them win. (Like they need more help.) The map also spawns TK'ers who think it's fun to help the terrorists by throwing nades at the pillars just to make them break easy. (Or they can nade the planks. That works too.)

Also the map really doesn't seem fun which is proof enough.

11 Jan 2009, 12:28pm
No XTrm i love this map it is my second favrite because you need good team work, and stragey. i have to agree about being a t when you drown and how there aren't eghough spots but this map has good taste for me but anything goes

11 Jan 2009, 05:37pm
You always have those terrorists who are so obsessed with their rank (which I think should be removed from mini-game servers)

I'm pretty sure it did get removed a day or two ago...but yeah, I don't like this map, always seems to empty the server out when I'm on it.

11 Jan 2009, 06:22pm
This map is awesome i would hate to see it removed

Bullet Wound
11 Jan 2009, 06:56pm
The idea behind the map is good i just don't think the creator polished it out enough.
- Fishes Drown
- You can jump down and knife the fishes (Usually able to kill 2-3 if they're close enough when you land)
- I don't think the spear-gun on the roof has ever even injured the fishes
- Grenades often blow up your own base

Ideas to fix it:
- Make fishes not drown....
- Make water instant kill for CTs (They can't get back up anyways and its stupid they can knife the fish)
- Make the Building Larger/Longer to kill
- Make the fishes have more health
- Give CTs guns instead of grenades (nothing fancy, mabye pistol for each person and 1 or 2 awps/scouts)
- Have some life boats (mabye on the 2nd or 3rd floor so the CTs could try and run, and so the fish couldn't rush the boats)

Just my thoughts....

11 Jan 2009, 08:04pm
i don't think it's been taken off, i was playing it earlier, but despite the balance being tipped towards the ct's in terms of winning and not drowning, it's still one of my favourite maps :smile:

11 Jan 2009, 08:06pm
I find T's win a lot espcially when the server is full.

11 Jan 2009, 08:13pm
i don't think it's been taken off, i was playing it earlier, but despite the balance being tipped towards the ct's in terms of winning and not drowning, it's still one of my favourite maps :smile:

Not the map itself, the rank system.

11 Jan 2009, 11:50pm
As far as I know there's absolutely nothing you can do about the fish drowning. I think it's hard coded into the game. In my opinion it's better that they can drown because otherwise they'd stay at the bottom of the water and the CTs would have absolutely no clue where they are until they start knifing the building supports. Furthermore, if the Ts do that I think a big part of the map's feel is lost. The most memorable part about Jaws is the giant fin sticking out of the water approaching the boat, what the fuck kind of Jaws stays submerged in water where nobody can see him if he's after people?

If the CTs die as soon as they touch the water, that defeats another part of the feel of the map, Jaws eating people. This is a design flaw to tell you the truth because without knives, CTs can't throw more than one or two nades(see tron2 when you don't spawn with a knife in hand in the grenade level). It is dumb for CTs to be able to kill Jaws with a knife. I think guns fix this problem... rather, you have to have something in your inventory other than a grenade for the grenades not to bug out... I don't think you exclusively need a knife to prevent from having your nades bug out.

I don't think you can give one team more health than the other either. I'm not 100% positive on this, I have never been an admin on any server so I can't say I've played with server mods. It could work like Zombie Mod does where zombies(terrorists) have more health, but how do you shut that off and turn it on from map to map? I'm thinking you can't. I'm pretty certain you can't do it just by the map itself, like there's nothing you can put in a map file that gives one team more than 100 health. A solution could be to attach some sort of regeneration field similar to how some maps restore your health if you're in a specific area(the med houses in Big City or the driver's seat in most of the vehicles in Jeepathon). I don't know if you can have that kind of thing slowly regenerate your health and I don't know if you can attach it to the Jaws suit so that area moves along with you.

The map maker put a lot of thought into it but facts are facts, there are design flaws you can't get around with this kind of map and it's just not fun playing Jaws(notice how a large majority of the people that want to RTV or leave are terrorists).

12 Jan 2009, 05:14am
I would like to see more people play this, but the CT get to much nades and we lost Hp under water

12 Jan 2009, 06:46am
I'm pretty sure it did get removed a day or two ago...but yeah, I don't like this map, always seems to empty the server out when I'm on it.

The rank's were removed from amusing, they will be taken off the funtastic one too when I get chance.

The idea behind the map is good i just don't think the creator polished it out enough.
- Fishes Drown
- You can jump down and knife the fishes (Usually able to kill 2-3 if they're close enough when you land)
- I don't think the spear-gun on the roof has ever even injured the fishes
- Grenades often blow up your own base

Ideas to fix it:
- Make fishes not drown....
- Make water instant kill for CTs (They can't get back up anyways and its stupid they can knife the fish)
- Make the Building Larger/Longer to kill
- Make the fishes have more health
- Give CTs guns instead of grenades (nothing fancy, mabye pistol for each person and 1 or 2 awps/scouts)
- Have some life boats (mabye on the 2nd or 3rd floor so the CTs could try and run, and so the fish couldn't rush the boats)

Just my thoughts....

These are all good idea's, but none of them can be done without the mapper :sad:

12 Jan 2009, 07:28am
the map is fun but it's much more fun to be ct than t

12 Jan 2009, 11:32am
I like this map dont remove it =p
But it would be cool with more harpoon guns =D

12 Jan 2009, 01:04pm
No XTrm i love this map it is my second favrite because you need good team work, and stragey. i have to agree about being a t when you drown and how there aren't eghough spots but this map has good taste for me but anything goes

oh, i thought you wouldve been the one getting TKed, guess i was wrong....

i think its a fun map personally...

15 Jan 2009, 11:59am
Remove it..if you look all the peole that said keep it they only play as ct..this map is horrible as a T and I have rarely seen the t win when there is a couple good ct's..Xeno and I were CT yeserday and I dont think the t won once...
It is very unbalance and all the T RTV right away but there are often not enough T's to change the map..so they just stay in the corner and wait 4 minutes cause they are frustrated...
And when I didnt have admin yesterday I was about to record every steam ID and banned all of them it was so annoying but eventually CT got bored and RTVed as well..

EDIT: so yeah we started this map with 14 ended with 8 (only two T's) on amusing last night...so yeah delete!!

18 Jan 2009, 08:26am
I added a poll to this. Get people to vote on this to decide to remove or not. The more people that vote will help us make the decision to remove. By no means does this vote mean if its 3 yes to 1 no, its gonna be removed. The more people that respond to polls like these the better results we will get from them.

19 Jan 2009, 01:42am
Remove it..if you look all the people that said keep it they only play as ct..

i love this map and i'm almost always t when there is a slot free on that team